Monday, November 19, 2018



The eagle has very unique characteristics that one can apply as the principles on which to base success in whatever field in life.
Read on to find out how.

  1. Eagles fly alone at a high altitude and do not mix with sparrows or other smaller birds like geese, ravens or pigeons.

You should only associate with people who have the same vision as your own, people you can identify and also grow with. You cannot move with failures if you want success.

  1. Eagles possess vision. They have a strong vision, which focuses up to 5 kilometers from the air in detail.

Eagles are said to have double sight but one vision, yet they are able to focus on one particular thing at a time for example a rat or a stick. It is known as the most focused bird, it can see everything, yet focus on only one thing. Know what you want to achieve in life and focus on it.

  1. Eagles only eat live food.

They only eat live animals. This is because they need new strength every day. Feed yourself new information to make you grow. Your vision needs new strength to make it grow. The people around you are dead meat and they will always ask you things that discourage you. Eagles are not discouraged by pigeons, so you should not let others discourage you simply because they do not agree with your dream.

  1. The eagle is the only bird that loves the storm.

Every other bird runs for cover, but the eagle gets a chance to relax. It uses the force of the storm to just stay up there without flapping its wings. Challenges are good for a dreamer, someone with a vision. Storms should make you better. Challenges test your characteristics of solving problems. Face them courageously, and grow the

  1. An Eagle always tests before it trusts.

For the female to allow a male to mate with her, she goes to the ground, picks up a twig, flies up two miles and drops the twig. If the male is able to catch the twig, he takes it to her. She flies up once again and drops the twig, and the process is repeated several times, and when she is fully convinced about his capabilities, she allows him to mate with her. Give your juniors or employees assignments and see how well they can perform without your guidance. TRUST IS THE RESULT OF TIME AND TEST.

  1. Eagles prepare for training.

It builds its nest in a high cleft on a mountain. The nest is made in such a way that it is very comfortable for the eaglets as they grow, yet it has thorns that are covered with cotton. Then, when they are fully grown, the mother removes the cotton covering the thorns. This makes them uncomfortable and they leave the nest and learn how to fly. Train others who work with you so that they can help you grow in your vision. Invest in training of other people. Companies are built on people, relationships and not on buildings. Make a footprint in this world by making someone else get where they want to be, and at the same time, they help you get where you want to be!

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