Monday, November 19, 2018

5 Questions Every Human Being Must answer.

Every human being living on earth is motivated by 5 questions, the homeless man living under the bridge and the man living in the ivory tower, are both trying to answer the same 5 questions.
1. Who am I – This question deals with identity. The average human being has never answered the question, who am I? This is not what you do or did. Most people don’t know who they are, so they die as someone else.
2. Where am I from – this is not an ethnic question. It is not about whether you come from Africa, China, Kenya, China, USA, Busia or Nyeri. No, it is where you are from in regards to your creation. If you can find out where you came from, you can also find out your ability, your strength and your potential.
3. Why am I here – This is a question of progress, why do you exist, what did you come to earth to do. Did you just come to go to work and pay bills and die, as many people think? It has to be more than that. There has to be a purpose for your existence.
4. What can I do – what is my true ability. They say the average human only uses 10% of their brain. No one knows your ability, except the manufacturer. So never let anyone judge you based on their measurements or their tastes.
5. Where am I going – This is a question of destiny. No one was just born to die, we were born to fulfill an assignment. What you are looking for is right where you are all the time. You don’t have to go to US or UK to be great, you can be great where you are.

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